The principals of Freestyle partnered with Ashton Kutcher’s Katalyst Media to produce a PSA hoping to encourage ever greater levels of service throughout the country. Directed by Demi Moore, members of the artistic community recorded their personal pledges of service, illustrating how each intends to make their own personal contribution. Pulled together successfully in ten days, the project was presented at a National Service Day for President Obama and on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Myspace and MSN hosted the video, providing information on a number of fantastic causes, and encouraged everyone to record their own pledge for the New Year.

Freestyle partnered with Echo Films to support the initiative to launch a series of short films on the internet to bring awareness to human rights issues in Burma. Freestyle produced a short directed by and starring Jennifer Aniston with Woody Harrelson.

In the Summer of 2010, Freestyle produced a public service announcement for the Department of Homeland Security and DNA, the non-profit organization created by Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher to bring a stop to human trafficking. This PSA, featuring Demi and Ashton, was produced to be shown on CNN and in airports worldwide with hopes of bringing much needed awareness to the victims of human trafficking.