“CALL ME CRAZY, a FIVE film” consists of five short movies on mental illness. This followup to the original FIVE project addresses mental illness, keeping the structure of five short films connected together.
Starring: Sarah Hyland, Melissa Leo, Octavia Spencer, Brittany Snow, Chelsea Handler, Jennifer Hudson, Lea Thompson, Aimee Teegarden, Melanie Griffith, Ahna O'Reilly, Clint Howard, Ernie Hudson, Jason Ritter and Brenda Song
Directed by: Laura Dern, Bryce Dallas Howard, Bonnie Hunt, Ashley Judd and Sharon Maguire
Executive Produced by: Kevin Chinoy, Francesca Silvestri, Jennifer Aniston, Marta Kauffman and Kristin Haun, for the Lifetime
Network & Sony Television