In 1996, Greg the Bunny started as a character on New York City’s public access show, JUNKTAPE, created by Kevin’s brother Spencer Chinoy and his two friends, Dan Milano and Sean Baker.
In 1998, Kevin setup the trio with THE INDEPENDENT FILM CHANNEL (IFC) to create short films with their puppet characters, with Kevin producing. After two years, the group pitched and sold a half-hour scripted comedy to FOX, partnering with Neil Moritz and Steve Levitan. The show aired for one season in 2002.
The group returned to IFC in 2004 to do a half-hour special (called “Fur on the Asphalt: A Greg The Bunny Reunion Special”) and two seasons worth of “Greg the Bunny Parodies,” which aired in 2005 and 2006 and continue to be run on IFC.
The Greg The Bunny franchise spun off the MTV show “Warren The Ape.”